Produkte von CADMOS

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The Art of Classical Horsemanship
The Art of Classical Horsemanship
He never wanted to be a reformist but purely an interpreter. He truly understood the philosophy of classical riding and was therefore able to teach his numerous national and international students to develop their own style. The essence...
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EMRA™ Intelligence
EMRA™ Intelligence
A Training and Practice Programme for Avoiding Poisoned Bait. Warnings about malicious poisoning have been a major concern among dog owners for some time now. You might like to think "it won't happen to me", but it's becoming...
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Poison-proof your dog
Poison-proof your dog
A Training and Practice Programme for Avoiding Poisoned Bait. Warnings about malicious poisoning have been a major concern among dog owners for some time now. You might like to think "it won't happen to me", but it's becoming...
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Schooling Exercises in-hand
Schooling Exercises in-hand
It is a rarely used tool, but one which variation to the everyday routine and schools both the horse and trainer. This book explains step-by-step and with clear illustrations the straightforward way towards the correct training of...
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First Steps in Dressage
First Steps in Dressage
Dressage involves drawing out the natural capability of the horse and shaping it into something beautiful and expressive. The horse must learn how to balance under the rider and move in elegant self-carriage. When the rider has adopted a...
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Chat to your Cat
Chat to your Cat
Once you understand your cat better, you can get to grips with some of the typical problems of living together, and develop an even closer bond with your moggy. It contains: The whole range of cat sounds, from purring to wailing. Facial...
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The Correct Seat
The Correct Seat
Often, riders are forced into a posture which they are unable to master due to physical problems alone. The consequence is tension in the rider and horse. In this guide, the author describes, with the help of numerous exercises, how the...
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Line Training for Dogs
Line Training for Dogs
Dogs like these commonly spend their lives on leads that are much too short, so are unable to enjoy the privilege of running free in meadows and fields, because they haven’t learned to take notice of their owners and come back on call or...
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Your First Foal
Your First Foal
Many horse owners dream of having a foal from their own mare. However, irrespective of the delights associated with this experience, the pregnancy of the mare and the growth of the foal demand a high degree of care, patience and...
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Aus dem Inhalt: Clickertraining, das ist zeitgemäße Hundeerziehung. Jeder kann diese Ausbildungsmethode, die insbesondere die Eigeninitiative des Hundes fördert, erlernen. Clickertraining basiert auf den seit Jahrzehnten bekannten und...
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Die Hilfengebung des Reiters
Die Hilfengebung des Reiters
Das korrekte Zusammenspiel der drei Reiterhilfen ist die Grundvoraussetzung für gutes Reiten. Dieses Buch erklärt leicht verständlich die Anwendung von Gewichts-, Schenkel- und Zügelhilfen und zeigt, wie sie beim Reiten von Übergängen...
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BdB Beet-, Balkon und Kübelpflanzen
BdB Beet-, Balkon und Kübelpflanzen
Wie wird das Fledermausgesicht gepflegt? Welche Ansprüche stellt die Angelonie? Und was braucht die Hängepetunie, damit sie den ganzen Sommer üppig blüht? Auf all diese und viele weitere Fragen gibt das neu aufgelegte BdB-Handbuch...
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